Ibiza Administration www.ibizaadministration.com

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Welcome to IBIZA ADMINISTRATION - Our Services

Our Services in Ibiza and Formentera:

Virtual Offices: Office usage, business lounges and cafes, business or private address in Ibiza, telephone answering, mail handling, etc.

Taxes: Administration of income and wealth tax for residents and non-residents alike. Payment of local taxes such as rates (IBI), rubbish, and car tax for Spanish vehicles.

Conveyancing: A gestor can handle all of the legal work and tax payments required for a property purchase or sale.

Wills: Your gestor can give you advice on preparing a will for your Spanish property, as well as liaising with the local notary for the signing of the will.

NIE residency: He can arrange for your national foreigner identification number (NIE) to be issued. You will need this number after buying a local property. A gestor can also help you obtain a residency permit.

Vehicles: They can arrange for change of ownership and addresses to be registered, as well as helping with paperwork involved in obtaining a Spanish driving license and importing vehicles.

Insurance: Many gestors are insurance agents and can arrange insurance for your house, car, and life.

Permits: Your gestor can also arrange for your fishing and hunting licenses to be issued – as well as a gun license.

Business: If you decide to set up a business, then a gestor will offer essential advice on preparing employment contracts and paying social security contributions. In addition to the above you will find your local gestor a source of information and practical advice for resolving the various administrative problems that appear in everyday life.

Others: Translation and Design of Papers and Documents, Jobhunting, Formation of companies, etc.


Please contact us for further information!


Gestoría administrativa Ibiza

Gestoria Ibiza

Le ayudamos a realizar sus gestiones administrativas en Ibiza y Formentera, dándole una información detallada sobre los procedimientos, documentos que deben aportar, plazo legal para realizarlos, organismos encargados de su gestión etc. Desde las tareas administrativas más sencillas y rutinarias hasta las más técnicas y elaboradas: a todas se les presta la misma atención.  Página en Español

Behördengänge auf Ibiza

Behördengänge Ibiza

Wenn es um Ihre behördlichen, steuerlichen, geschäftlichen oder privaten Angelegenheiten auf Ibiza oder irgendwo anders in Spanien geht, sollten Sie immer einen persönlichen Verwalter/Berater (Gestór) zur Hand haben.

Deutsche Seite